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Daily WOD from 18.07.2017

3x 7 min. on / 1 min. off

In team of 3

1) AMRAP 7 min.               
Person A: row 150m                           
Person B: 15 Squat                           
Person C: Rest                                  
Score is max meter row

REST 1 min.

2) AMRAP 7 min.
Person A: 5 Burpee box jump over
Person B: 10 Deadlift 50/35
Person C: Rest
Score is max. Burpee box jump over

REST 1 min.

3) AMRAP 7 min.
Person A: 30 sec. max Double under
Person B: 6 Hang power clean 50/35
Person C: Rest
Score is max Double under


We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving, and we all have the power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing.
Louisa May Alcott
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