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Daily WOD vom 15.04.2020

For time

On the 00:00

5 rounds
5 Strict pull-up
10 V-up
15 Squat
then: 50 Dumbbell power clean
timecap: 8 min.

On the 09:00

4 rounds
5 Strict pull-up
10 V-up
15 Squat
then: 40 Dumbbell goblet squat
timecap 8 min.

On the 18:00

3 rounds
5 Strict pull-up
10 V-up
15 Squat
then: 30 Dumbbell thruster

Strength of a character isn't always about how much you can handle before you break. It's also about how much you can handle after you've been broken.
Robert Tew
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