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Daily WOD vom 18.07.2017

3x 7 min. on / 1 min. off

In team of 3

1) AMRAP 7 min.               
Person A: row 150m                           
Person B: 15 Squat                           
Person C: Rest                                  
Score is max meter row

REST 1 min.

2) AMRAP 7 min.
Person A: 5 Burpee box jump over
Person B: 10 Deadlift 50/35
Person C: Rest
Score is max. Burpee box jump over

REST 1 min.

3) AMRAP 7 min.
Person A: 30 sec. max Double under
Person B: 6 Hang power clean 50/35
Person C: Rest
Score is max Double under


Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
William Jennings Bryan
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